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Writer's pictureVeronica Dietz

Meet Edith: The Therapist Who'll Make You Laugh (and Heal) Your Way to Happiness!

Meet Edith: The Therapist Who'll Make You Laugh (and Heal) Your Way to Happiness!
Meet Edith: The Therapist Who'll Make You Laugh (and Heal) Your Way to Happiness!

Hello, Clear Mind community! Get ready to Meet Edith: The Therapist Who'll Make You Laugh (and Heal) Your Way to Happiness! Edith Lira, MBA, MFT-I, MSMFCT – a therapist who's not afraid to take her bad jokes outside the office (yes, you read that right)!

The Many Hats of Edith

Edith isn't just a Marriage and Family Therapist Intern; she's a financial whiz, a counseling artist, and a champion for couples, families, and children. With her unique blend of skills, she's like the Swiss Army knife of mental health professionals – ready to tackle any challenge that comes her way!

From Fish to Finances: A Multicultural Journey

Imagine a fish swimming effortlessly through water. Now, imagine that fish with an MBA and a passion for mental health. That's Edith! As a proud member of a minority community, she navigates the multicultural waters of therapy with the grace of a synchronized swimmer and the precision of a financial analyst.

Laughter is the Best Medicine (But Therapy is a Close Second)

Warning: Edith's therapy sessions may cause uncontrollable giggling. As a self-proclaimed "symbolic therapist," she believes in the healing power of laughter. Don't be surprised if she throws in a few bad jokes during your session – it's all part of the treatment plan!

Beyond the Couch: Therapy in the Great Outdoors

Tired of staring at the same four walls? Edith's got you covered! As an experiential therapist, she's not afraid to take therapy outside the office. Who knows, you might find yourself having a breakthrough while smelling the roses – literally!

A Gardener of the Mind

When she's not pruning away negative thoughts or planting seeds of positivity in her clients' minds, Edith is an aspiring gardener in real life. She's all about growth, whether it's in a flower pot or in your personal development!

The Restoration Queen

Got a broken vase? Edith can probably fix it. Got a broken heart? She can definitely help with that too! As a self-proclaimed restorer of all things, Edith brings her knack for mending to both her hobbies and her therapy practice.

A Multicultural Maestro

Edith doesn't just speak your language (especially if it's Spanish); she speaks the language of the heart. With her multicultural background, she's ready to tune into your unique frequency and help you compose a symphony of mental wellness.

The Forgiveness Guru

Holding onto grudges? Edith is passionate about helping people let go of unforgiveness and bitterness. She's like a Marie Kondo for your emotions – if it doesn't spark joy, it's time to thank it and let it go!

Ready to Dive In?

If you're looking for a therapist who can make you laugh, help you forgive, and maybe even take you for a therapeutic stroll, Edith's your gal. She's ready to help you travel light in life, heal your aching soul, and boost your confidence – all while possibly telling you a bad joke or two.

So, what are you waiting for? Come on in, the water's fine – and Edith's ready to help you swim towards a clearer, happier mind!

Meet Edith: The Therapist Who'll Make You Laugh (and Heal) Your Way to Happiness!

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